Cracked It!

Challenging people to break their everyday routine and take some time to engage in a playful manner with an unexpected material.

Metaphorically, walking on eggshells is used to describe a person who is trying very hard not to upset someone or something. This is based on the idea that eggshells are easily broken. In cracked it! the ground will be covered with eggshells, creating a rare experience where people are asked to walk on eggshells, breaking both the literal material and the metaphorical boundary.


The installation consisted of 10,000+ eggshells, arranged in a linear manner. At the beginning of the installation the eggshells create a white sea of half domes and as people begin to walk on the shells, colors begin to be revealed shells become crushed, and the installation takes on a life of its own. The experience is satisfying and stress relieving, the outcome is a piece of art that could not have been completed with out the feet of others.

The eggshells were collected from local and some not so local businesses.
current collection from:
-Wolf Burger
-California Prison Camps

All of the eggs were cleaned with an eco-friendly soap so that no excess chemicals were released into the earth for the purpose of this project.

Cracked it! set up video


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